Costas Fotopoulos
Composer & Pianist
"...accompaniments on the piano are still provided for silent classics at the National Film Theatre. And the champion at that is the young classical pianist-composer Costas Fotopoulos..." Michael Church, The Independent. Click here to read the full article.
"So many superlatives come to mind to describe the playing of Costas Fotopoulos in the third Rachmaninov piano concerto: the effect was simply stunning..." Robert Bailey, The Bath Chronicle
Listen to Costas's debut album for Audio Network:
Watch Costas perform his Toccata:
Watch Costas being interviewed in 2013:
Listen to Costas being interviewed in 2009 and 2010 on Classic FM
Read Costas's piece in the July 2014 online edition of Port Magazine on the role of music in silent film and the early talkies
Read a profile of Costas written by music writer and critic Thomas Tamvakos for the February 2012 edition of the Greek music magazine, Jazz and Tzaz (in Greek)
Debut CD Release:
Available now on Apple Music
Costas Fotopoulos PianoCostasFotopoulos Piano
Music by Sergei Rachmaninov & Costas Fotopoulos
"There is drama here... and Fotopoulos gives engaging performances, without sacrificing precision or clarity for the passion of the moment." Gavin Dixon, Music Web International
Order code: JCL 514
Barcode: 5036098008265